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Left/Right/Trim function (string, char?)

6 - Meteoroid

Trying to trim a string with the | character. Example: [string] = this is my comment for today|MID_Pat

Needs to be "this is my comment for today"


The username (which won't always be mine) will always be 9 characters (if that helps). I tried TrimRight([string],"|") but that doesn't work based on the bool "|" operator. I tried Replace([string],"|","@@") and then TrimRight([string],"@@"] ... that didn't work either.


The only way i can get this done is by adding this SQL code in my Alteryx input: Left([string], CharIndex(Char(124), [string]))


(and to make matters worst, Alteryx doesn't understand CharIndex(Char(124) so I can use this inside the workflow)


How can I build this into Alteryx, and not SQL? Why? Because some comments do not have the | character, which then return [string] = "null" in Alteryx; so I'd like to build an "If Then Else" statement in Alteryx.


Thanks for the help!!

12 - Quasar

Can you use the FindString function to get the position of the |, then use the left?   See attached....

12 - Quasar

Or simply using Text to Columns to split on the | either.

6 - Meteoroid

FindString is exactly what I needed! I never knew this function existed! Thank you!
