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Layout of Batch Chart


I created an Interactive Chart that is batched by department so the Interactive chart is creating 22 charts. When I render the charts, they are all stacked, one on top of another. Is there any way to make the charts display in 2 columns so they don't take up so much room? I would really like to avoid having to add 22 Interactive Chart tools to get the charts separated for layout purposes.


I've tried using an Visual Layout tool and a Layout tool and neither of them seem to be giving me the options I need.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @ChristinaFPE 


This is possible by adding a Record ID, Formula, and Layout tool. Here's an overview of the process:

- Assign each Chart a unique, sequential Record ID

- Use a Formula tools to group those [RecordID] values into counts of how ever many you'd like on a row with the following expression (where '3' is the number of objects per row):


- Use this new [Row] field to group each row into a Layout field set to "Horizontal" orientation.


Then Render these new layout fields as before. Check out the attached workflow to see this in action.  


@ChristinaFPE attached is a workflow with Batch Interactive Charts laid out in two columns.  Prior to the Layout, you can utilize the Tile tool to create a grouping number.  In my example I'm creating 9 tiles, for your example with 22 charts, you'll want to modify this to 11 tiles. 



@CharlieSand @Aaron_Harter - Thank you both for your solutions! They both worked great and have solved my head ache, along with teaching me new ways to organize my data. Thanks again!
