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Join Multiple input


Hi Alteryx community,

I am trying to combine 3 inputs. Below is also my desired output. When I use multiple join and transpose, it fails to give me output. Clearly I am complicating it. Please Help!! Thank u




22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @DiyaR 


There is join multiple tool just for this purpose of joining multiple tables.


Here is the documentation and

And i have attached an example workflow.


If you still have issues please provide data as excel we can help you out.


Hope this helps 🙂


Thanks, I tried it but it didn't work because my Rg. number repeats again as a column. I have attached my input and desired output in excel.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @DiyaR 


Ok even i faced the same issue. Reason is RG No. is present in different source RG No. column when it was not joined. Here is what can be done.


I am using If else formula so when source 1 RG No. column is not null take RG No. from source 1. If it is null it goes to next elseif source 2 RG No. column is not null take RG No. from source 2. If both source 1 & source 2 RG No. are Null then take it from source 3 RG No. After that i am using a select tool to filter columns.


Hope this helps 🙂


Thank you, it worked.. I tried and it also worked with Join and then union 🙂
