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Iterative Macro for Monte Carlo Simulation

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to develop an iterative macros to create a Monte Carlo-like simulation.


The example I am starting with is a fantasy football simulation, but I plan to use a similar model for work (allocating volumes to specific customer-supplier relationships to model profitability sensitivity).


My constraints are this:

12 teams

11 weeks

X number of seasons.

A) Teams can only play each other once per season

B) Teams must play 1 and only 1 team each week



My input appends Teams-Opponents-Weeks-Seasons.  So for a 10 season simulation, my dataset is 14,520 records (teams cannot paly themselves).  Which looks like this (I am coding combinations of teams, opponents, seasons, and weeks accordingly so I can remove in the macro):



I have attached my macro which shows how I am randomly selecting a record and removing any records conflicting with my constraints.


When I run through my final workflow, duplicate records (switching teams and opponents satisfying the condition that if team a is playing team b, then team b must also play team a), I am still left with null values, like the below (cross tabbed with team # across the top):





I should have exactly enough rows to randomly select all matchups necessary and satisfy my conditions, so I can't figure out why I am creating null matchups.


Any help appreciated.


Hi @davidwwyche,


can you maybe share your complete workflow including the data, otherwise it might be hard for the community to help.


Best regards,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @davidwwyche,


I would suggest taking a look at the out of the box Prescriptive Analytics tools that runs the Monte Carlo Simulation:


  • Simulation Sampling Tool: Allows random draws for given variables; you can sample from existing data for a variable directly, estimate best fitting parametric distribution, specify or “draw” the parametric distribution
  • Simulation Scoring Tool: Provides predicted values given uncertain predictors, and provides measures associated with the uncertainty surrounding a model’s predictions
  • Simulation Summary Tool: Delivers an interactive dashboard and a standard report of the simulation results

You can find these tools here:



6 - Meteoroid

Attached is the sample set generation workflow (just appending inputs to arrive at all possible outcomes, by week).  


I just run that through the macro I attached earlier
