I have a workflow which allows a user to choose mutiple values of a column from a list box and then add additional details in another column for it through a drop down selection.
For example i have one column
Column 1
I want the user to give A,B,G a value of 1 and then in the next run i want to give C,D,E,F a value of 2
Problem is that once i run the workflow, it gets over and i have to run it all over again.
I need an iteration added to it.
It sounds to me like what you want is a chained app. Check this out and see if this will help you https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Interactive-Lessons/Chaining-Analytic-Apps/ta-p/243120
Hi Joshua,
I want the app to rerun. I am not sure if i want the app to chain to itself or create a copy of itself,
I am looking for the workflow to run 4 times.
I need to combine iterative macro to the user app which i am facing issue with.
Hi Qiu,
I was not able to get the desired result with this.
What my app does it allows the user to make multiple selection at once, so i can select A,B,C in one go and then from drop down choose another value which will be assigned to those A,B, C.
What i am looking for is after the workflow has run and A,B,C (which is my selection from the list box) has been assigned a value , the output is run, the workflow doesn't get over but simply reruns again till all the A,B,C,D,E,F,G are over.