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Issue in creating dynamic summary table where field name should change every month

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Everyone , 


I am new to Alteryx and got my first project of creating summary ( Pivot table) attached the screenshot. I have a column "Posted Month" which consists different months like current month , current -1 , current -2. I need to create pivot where these values have to come in  fields. The challenge is to make these field name dynamic , currently join tool,sort tool and table tool hard code the column name value to June , July and August but when next month Input file will update and July , August and September month data will come then It will give error and incorrect result.


I want to make changes in workflow like that  it will every time create summary table for the months available in data instead of fixing the name of the month . I am attaching screenshot of workflow I created and output I want.

I would appreciate if anyone could help me with that. Many Thanks in advance.


Thanks & Regards,


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

It would be better you could provide a sample intpu and desired output, not picture.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



I think you have to use a geniric column like M-3, M-2 and M-1


1- M-1

IF DateTimeDiff([End date], [Start Date],"Month")=1
then [Value]
else 0



if DateTimeDiff([End date], [Start Date],"Month")=2
then [Value]
else 0


After that you do your transpose on those column instead of the Aug, July which are note stable because they will change next run.


After that you can rename M-3, M-2, M-1 with the month in question (Have to think about renaming dynamically the column).


hope that Help!


