Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Is there a way to stack/append header rows on top of my data in my output?


Wondering how (if possible) to append/stack my report header rows on top of my data table that's an output from Alteryx.


As an example:


I have this as my output data table:


Account          Account Description           Amount

1000               Cash                                  1000.00

3000               Capital                              (1000.00)



And I'm hoping that in my output, I could put some header rows, for example:


ABC Company

Financial Statements

For the year ended December 31, 2021

(Header in merged cells and centered, but not required)


Any ideas? Thank you!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yes, there's a few ways you could do this. I recommend using the Reporting tools to build a table, the header information, then rendering them to a file format like Excel. 


The Reporting tools create layout fields that offer lots of formatting options for your data values. In the attached example, I create two Layout fields with a Report Text tool and a Table tool, bring the fields together with an Append tool, create a vertical arrangement with a Layout tool, and finally output this layout to an Excel file with the Render tool. 


Check out the attached workflow and let us know what you think. 




Thank you @CharlieS ! Will take a look at your suggestion, but from the image you shared, it looks like this will solve it! Thank you!
