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Is it possible to count number of entries after combining two different filters?

7 - Meteor

Situation: I filtered for Property Type = 2 and Property Type = 3 and did a union (I will also have to filter for property Type = 5 & Property Type = 6 later on and do a union). The sum of the principal balance for both Property Type 2 & 3 inclusive work correctly but I cannot figure out how to get the total sum count. I've already tried utilizing the Count function as well as the formula to formulate [COUNT] but it keeps showing up as 1 when the total count should be ~10,000.


The count functionality of the summarize tool will return the number of records in the data set. I think that you may want to include a count in the summarize tools prior to the union so that you can count the records as part of the aggregation and then finally sum them together. By performing a count after the summarizations it is just showing you the number of rows of the already summarized data.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@kimberlyka If you want to get a total sum of Type 2 and 3, you can use the summarize tool with just the 'sum' functionality. This will add up 2 & 3 regardless of the types you are bringing inside. The count function just counts how many datasets are there. 

