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Interface Action Bug - Maybe due to Snowflake

5 - Atom

I think I found a bug and I've been waiting several days to hear back from support.  I'm curious if anyone has encountered this or knows a simple workaround.


I'm using interface and actions for the first time, so I'm learning the ropes, but so far they seem fine but kind of buggy.  I'm on 2020.4.   


The situation is I have data sources pulling from SAP from BW Hana, well production data from Procount, and planning data from Snowflake. I'm connecting with In-DB tools and using an In-DB filter to handle the date filter.


If the workflow is run normally (not as an app) it's designed to do the analysis based on the current date.  That's straight-forward and works fine.  This is how it would normally work as we would have this scheduled to run daily on the server.


I have one interface question where if used, it can run the analysis based on a date provided.  The purpose is to be able to back-date the report if you want to rerun what was provided some time in the past.  


The interface date thing is wildly inconsistent in how Alteryx behaves.  I'm using an Action and Update with Formula for each data source to update the In-DB filter that handles the date.  I have that working for BW Hana and Procount, but with Snowflake and using the same approach, Alteryx will behave in one of two ways.  I have the BW Hana, Procount, and Snowflake each in their own individual containers.  If I hide/collapse the BW Hana and Procount containers, the Snowflake thread will run fine when running as an app and using the inputs.  If I have the BW Hana and Procount containers expanded, the Snowflake thread will give an error that it doesn't like the brackets and the "[1]".  The Snowflake container is totally isolated from the Procount and BW Hana containers and threads.  I don't know why Snowflake would "care".  Unless I'm missing something, it seems like a defect.  I'm out of ideas on how to resolve and what's exactly causing it.


I don't know if it's actually an issue with Snowflake.  Since we migrated to Snowflake, I have about half a dozen defects logged with Alteryx so I wouldn't be surprised if it's another Snowflake/Alteryx related issue, but I wanted to see if anyone else has encountered something along these lines and could point me in the right direction.


I'm lost 😞




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Kyle_D_Smith ,


Can you provide your workflow so we can have a look?


It doesn't sound right that switching an unrelated box on or off has any impact on the Snowflake stream.

I'll have a look at it for you and see if anything leaps out at me.



