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Interactive Chart not printing on 2nd page of a report

8 - Asteroid

I am trying to create a report with 2 pages, first page will have some text and a chart on the second page.


I have used 'Report Text' for text and 'Interactive chart' to create a chart & rendered to output PDF. I have selected vertical with section breaks, but its not showing chart on the second page. it is working if I swap pages & print chart on the first page. Is there any fix for this? please help




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Try this option



8 - Asteroid

Thanks Qui, I have tried it but its not working. I tried layout orientation 'Vertical with section Breaks' but its not showing chart if its on the second page. it is working if I give just 'Vertical' its is printing charts but I want them on different pages. Separator options on the render tool are not changing any outlook of the report.

Any suggestions @Emil_Kos @CharlieS @gsantos 

Requirement: I need interactive chart to be pasted on second page of a report with section breaks, but chart is not being shown when I give below configuration. it is working if I move the chart as the first page of the report. not sure if its a known issue with older version of alteryx, I am using Alteryx 2019



Layout_vertical with sections.PNG

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Can you share the workflow with sample data (text input)? The settings for "section breaks" can be applied at multiple points for different purposes/outcomes. How this is designed depends on the other elements. 

8 - Asteroid

HI Charlie, hope you're well. I need Text in the first page and chart in the second page from attached sample workflow


Output when Chart selected as a First page:



Output when Text is selected as First page:


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Ah! Thanks for sharing.


First and foremost, there's no reason why that shouldn't work. I would send all this (workflow included) to so they're aware of this bug. That being said, there is a workaround. In the attached workflow, I created a layout for each page, unioned them and used the "Vertical with Section Breaks" setting in the Render tool or in subsequent Layout with records combined (both worked). 


So there's a way to make it work, but I agree that your original method should work. 



8 - Asteroid

Wow, that works.. thanks a lot for suggesting alternative apporach


thank you for highlighting the issue with the tech team



