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Input list of files based on FileName from Directory Tool

13 - Pulsar

I have used the Directory tool to filter down a list of .xlsx files I would like to input all at once into a workflow. What I am stuck with is how do i take that list of file names and use them in the input tool to capture that list of files all at once. The folder the files reside goes back years so I don't just want to bring the entire directory in. Below is an example of the list of files i want to input all at once. The data structure is the same on all files, as is the tab that needs to be input. Which tool do I use after the filtered list of files and how do I configure it to bring them all in at once?



13 - Pulsar

Nevermind. Figured it out. Incase anyone else is looking to do something similar, below is a snipit of the workflow.


