I have read so many posts here about this but keep striking out: I have an Excel file with 2 sheets, I want to input each, do separate tasks on them and then save them out to the same file as 2 sheets. No matter how I try to do this, it doesn't work. The easiest way, using 2 input data tools works until I try to output the results as they are writing to the same file, just different sheets and I get the error that the file is in use. I do not see how to get the block until done into the mix as it is 2 different lines of tools. If there is an easy way to pause the 2nd flow's writing by 3-5 seconds that would be one way.
If you have a newer version of Alteryx, use a Control Container.
Under the Developer category, click the Control Container tool, then click Open Example.
Also see Control Container Tool (alteryx.com)
If you have an older version, you'll likely need to use Block Until Done and maybe a CReW macro for Delay a Sec (newer version of Wait a Sec).
See Solved: Re: Clear the output file before running a macro a... - Alteryx Community
Other: Writing to multiple Excel Sheets in the same files... - Alteryx Community
Consider adding a Like: Enhance options for Excel output - Alteryx Community
@ppatane one way of doing this with the batch macro, you can make your changes inside the batch macro, sample attached