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Input Files - Alteryx to pick up files instead of Manually changing File connection Daily

8 - Asteroid

i have 10 files from 5 different clients arriving daily in XLS format, how can i get Alteryx to configure them in my input file -
Internal Excel Files- dated 23
Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (HSBC)_123456
Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (SBI India)_741258
Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (AXIS)_896325
Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (IDFC Partners)_159753
Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (HSBC UK)_654123

External Files - dated 22
HSBC01-Cash File_20240522
SBIIndia_Cash File_20240522

My Alteryx has 5 containers performing a rec between
1) Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (HSBC)_123456 vs HSBC01-Cash File_20240522
2) Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (SBI India)_741258 vs SBIIndia_Cash File_20240522
3) Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (AXIS)_896325 vs AXISON_Daily_20240522
4) Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (IDFC Partners)_159753 vs IDFCP64_Daily_Cash_20240522
5) Recon Daily Report - 2024-05-23 (HSBC UK)_654123 vs HSBCUK_20240522

Wesley Mendonca
8 - Asteroid

Hi @EmilDem01 .

Can you provide your workflow, to understand more about it? 


But to automate the input file configuration in Alteryx for the daily received Excel files, you can use Dynamic input tool and wildcard characters to avoid manual updates. 


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can use a directory tool and point the path to where you store your data. From there, you can add filters to fetch each file name with a CONTAINS statement. Then you can use dynamic input if your files are relatively the same. Otherwise you can consider using a batch macro to read each input per filter. 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

For more information on dynamic input and batch macros, read this:

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

Thanks Wesley - this worked

Wesley Mendonca
8 - Asteroid

you are welcome! 😉
