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IN-DB Tools generating different results when processing the same data




I have a workflow with 4 outputs, which are unioned at the end, when processing the same data I noticed that the outputs are different after each run. Do you have any idea what can be the reason and how it can be fixed?


Due to the amount of data and lots of operations, I have to use In-DB tools, as in other case it takes about 3 hours to load.


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,





It could be due to 2 common problems.
If the connections are ODBC it could be the wrong version of the drtiver.
Also, if it is a very large number of records depending on which database you are using, you must check the Use Declare/Fetch option in the ODBC check


ODBC driver connections should not effect the order of data being read by the ODBC. Most likely this is because the internal DBs you are using are being updated by other users/systems. This is affecting the ordering in between runs if you do not have a sort or some other ID in place. If you want to test this line of thought - add a recordID in whatever SQL you are using. Run. Identify a specific column... Filter for the characters of that column a second time. See if the recordid is the same.


Note - not 100% familiar with AMP ordering but usually Alteryx successively pulls ODBC top to bottom left to right.
