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How to use protected file.

7 - Meteor

@vijayakarthikeyan / Team


I have list of files, all the files i have it same directory but with different extension are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm. I need to read all the file from the directory. And i also tried dynamic input tool. Some files are password protected. I searched in community I also tried  with Rcode. to test i used .xlsx but no luck


But am getting same error. Is that path incorrect ? I can see C: not writable . if yes, how can i change the path ?  below is the code i used


# The set of possible repositories to use
repos <- c("", "")
# Select a particular repository
repo <- sample(repos, 2)
install.packages(c(""),repos=repo,dependencies = TRUE)

df <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
filename <- as.character(df[1,"FullPath"])
excel_pwd <- as.character(df[1,"excel_password"])

excel_data <-, password = excel_pwd, write.res.password=excel_pwd)

write.Alteryx(excel_data, 1)


error screen short: but My workflow dependency path in D drive not C. Please help me out.


workflow dependency.PNG


Please provide me if any other alternative way to read all my files

16 - Nebula

Hi @Gmurugan 


I cannot help much about this R code, but i know a way to do this that is working properly, if you want to try:

