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How to reset the check box in alteryx inteface?


When user check the  check box “ redownloading data from data lake.” And radio button “ YES”

Scenario : User unchecked the checkbox and radio button same in “YES” then executed the download wf, Folder creation is not happening

Expectation : When user uncheck  the option : user should be able to create the folder .

Please help me out!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @anjanarnair,

Is the problem that when yes is selected the workflow is not creating the folder after the download? Could you show a screenshot of the problem with annotations?




Thanks for replying me.

Yes.The Problem is  required folder structure is not getting created.Can i know is there any feature is available to reset the check box.

like:- we click the check box  and choose the "yes" option...after this step we remember we are doing for the very first time,the we are uncheck the check box,But the "yes" option is still in the state of selected.So we need a solution like after we unchecking the check box ,need to go back to the past state as "no".


iam attaching two snips here:

11111.png-not needed interface

22222.png-needed interface


please have a look,

Thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @anjanarnair,

I don't believe there is a way to achieve that though there are plenty of work around's to stop the any unwanted behaviour. If you could give an example workflow I could have a look for an easy work around. 

If you want Alteryx to add this as a feature there is a ideas board which you could post this in.  
