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How to input file with bold records?

7 - Meteor



I have document that later I need to filter all bold places and remove them. Problem is that Alteryx loads all data the same and there is no way to recognize bold records than manually.


SS in attachment

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



I don't think that you can do it natively as alteryx read the data not the formating.

But maybe if you check of there is a condition that will let you filter (In case id bold represent totals)


Hope this helps!


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Data is imported into Alteryx without any sort of formatting. Given that, there is no way to identify which values were originally bolded.


Do you have the criteria that determined if a record was bolded or not? Perhaps based on a keyword, account number, or something that can be used to identify it? If you're able to figure out some sort of logic that would identify the bolded records, you can incorporate that into a filter.
