I have two worksheets, and both have the column Report ID.
How can i configure to corss check the information in column "Report ID" in both files- Report ID_a and Report ID_b, and generate a new report having the items of those report ID that are not duplicated, also with all other cells information in the same row?
If I've understood your question correctly, all you should have to do is join the two tables on the Report ID column. The left and right output anchors will contain the Report IDs that are unique to each file, along with all other columns in the table.
the problem is that i just want to filter out those report ID duplicated in both worksheet a and worksheet b. I do have some ID duplicated within worksheet a, but i want to keep them in the new output.
When you say duplicated, do you mean occurs in both files, or do you mean occurs multiple times in the same file?
Do you want to remove Report IDs that occur more than once in A, more than once in B and exists in both tables?