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How to change all entries with X common factor to output a selected value that overrides

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


this is a little difficult to put into words so hopefully this explanation makes sense:


So I am working with a dataset that is a record of all product transactions. Therefore, 1 customer may have multiple lines in the dataset, under their name. I also have another column that assigns the customer as A/B/C. The vast majority of the entries are assigned C. However, I want to re-assign my data in that if even one of the customer's entry lines has an A or B, then all of the C's will be overridden and changed to the A or B necessary. I have a hunch that I'll need to start by using the Summarize tool to do a "Group by" Customer Name?


I've attached a sample excel file, as well as a screenshot of the file to depict the issue.


Thank you all so much in advance!

19 - Altair

Have you tried summarize tool group by your customer name/min  [current assignment]?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @greenv1nes ,


Here is a workflow implementing the logic you described !


So basically it filters and group customer that have A or B in one row then use a join to retrieve those customer and change their assignment. Finally it unions all customers together.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@apathetichell is way simpler ! Don't use mine !

6 - Meteoroid

Ah thank you so much for your reply! The issue I'm having is that my dataset is too large for me to go in and fill in a "desired assignment." Is there a way around manually preparing the column I need?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

With @apathetichell's solution you don't need to fill in a new column !


Here is the workflow but accept @apathetichell post as solution, all credit goes to him !

7 - Meteor

Hi greenv1nes



19 - Altair

@Jean-Balteryx  I am working on a tell-all memoir entitled "Count Distinct Non Null: Secrets of the Summarize Tool."  Definite best seller material.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@apathetichell I'd be the first buyer !

6 - Meteoroid

Amazing, thank you!
