My input is a single table of data. My output contains the data plus various required verbiage in the Header and Footers. The output is in Excel format and I've successfully rendered the file using Table, Image, Report Text, Layout, and Render Tools. The next step is for the data headers to be repeated on each page when the document is printed by the recipient of the file.
I don't see any options within the Table Tool to create that format.
This is a tricky request because I don't know if Alteryx has any printer settings built in. I know in Excel you can navigate to Page Layout --> Page Setup --> Sheet and tell Excel to repeat a certain number of rows at the top of each page (in your case the header).
As far as replicating this in Alteryx, you would have to know how many rows of your table will fit on each page and basically reinsert the header in between each set of that number of rows, which would like require a macro. I think the quick Excel edit (which if you are rendering to the same file each time, can be saved as part of the template) is the way to go here.
is your report verbiage in report header and footer tools?
I'd do something like --> mark header stream as 1. footer stream as 3. append each individual sheet variable (assuming you'll group by this)
table stream as 2. Union all 3. sort by your group by id (should by your sheet variable) and your integer field. use a summarize tool (group by your sheet variable/group id - vertically union your report snippet.
continue with the rest of your workflow.
The solution by TheMattLeonard sounds possible, but I want to avoid macros at this point. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't combine an Excel template input (presumably using the Blob Tool) with the Render Tool output.
The solution by Apathetichell sounds intriguing and I may try that at some point.
You cannot render and output data. You cannot output data and render. You cannot even use two render tools to the same file (it will overwrite).