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How can i save the data or records, from a source that changes everyday?

5 - Atom

I've been trying to create a file where i can save the data from a source that change every day

i would like o save this data to create an historical file, but the source does not support too many data and it restarts. 


You may want to leverage an output data tool that is set up to create a file with a different file name every day. The option down at the bottom as shown below can do things like append a suffix to a file name. Some people will use DateTimeToday() to generate today's date and use that in the creation of the file name so that they have a new one on a daily basis. Then you could just union all of these files together or use a wildcard in an Input Data tool to stack them all together easily. 


output options.png

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hey @Nestor !


In addition to @BrandonB solution, you can do your input normally and use the Date Time Now tool as well.


Use append tool to join them together


and output with the configuration @BrandonB said.


Hope that helps!






I always forget about that tool @marcusblackhill! Solid suggestion 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Thanks @BrandonB ! But yeah, actually is rare to I have a case where I need that but when need, helps a lot ehhehe
