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location optimizer macro

7 - Meteor

What are some use cases of using this tye of macro? I have went through


Although what are some business use cases as they mention? And what problems would they solve?


Have you seen the documentation on it yet?


"The Location Optimizer Macro is a macro that runs in multiple iterations determining the best locations to add or remove from a location network. You can specify how many locations you would like to add to the network, specify the optimization level, and then have it randomly seed or specifically seed the iterations.

Say you have 100 demand locations and would like to isolate the top 4 based on a specific value, the iterative process is such that the entire incoming data stream is processed in groups of 4 to identify the locations with the highest combined score. The user controls how many iterations to run via the Speed/Optimization setting."


You can also find examples in Help -> Sample Workflows -> Use scripting and automation tools -> Build a macro

and then choose one of the Optimize location examples


location optimize.png
