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Grouping data by date and looking up different files for each group

5 - Atom

Hi all,

Alteryx newbie here, trying my best to understand how to do this.

Simple explanation: I have an Excel file that contains (say) 10 lines of data. Each line specifies if Break or Fail, and the relevant date.


I need to look up each line in the relevant Excel file: the good news is that I can create the filename ("CompanyX-<Break/Fail>-<relevant date>.xlsx".


When I built the first workflow, I generated the "lookup filename" for each line of data, but when I run this, it only returns results as though all lines of data had the same relevant date as the first row.


I then tried a batch macro but I just can't understand how to do it, even after reading and watching dozens of tutorials. I get the concept: the repetitive part of the workflow should be enclosed in a macro, with a control parameter that is driven by (presumably) the key date, but I can't figure out how to put this together on the canvas. 


Got so frustrated by trying this for several days that I am now trying different options, maybe it is possible without a batch macro?


I then tried splitting the dataset into multiple sheets, one for each "relevant date", but I don't know where to go from here. I can create an Excel output which is nice but how do I continue, within my workflow, and basically say: take the first X rows, as long as the key date is the same, and look them all up in filename A, then take the next group of items with identical key dates and look them up in filename B, etc...


Any help would be really great, appreciate it loads! 


16 - Nebula

this will be better if you can add some sample input and expected output
