I am trying to build an Alteryx workflow that uploads information to a specific google sheet. My workflow has two Google Sheets Output Tools that upload information to two different worksheets within a same google sheet.
In options, Existing File Action is set to "Overwrite"
However, every time I run the workflow, it deletes Alteryx - Employees worksheet and leaves Alteryx - Loads worksheet in the Google Sheet.
I am not sure why this is happening.
Shouldn't it be "Overwrite Sheets" not "Overwrite" which will overwrite the entire file (aka delete the extra sheets)?
Which version do you have? The latest documentation has that as an option: Google Drive Output Tool | Alteryx Help
@alexnajm Ohh.. i am not sure which version I am using. Do I need to update my Alteryx Designer or is there a way to update the tool itself?
You should just be able to go to the link on the article and download the latest version of the tool!
@alexnajm I downloaded the updated version and installed it. When I try to use it, it keeps deleting the name of sheet from the following section. :(
Do you know what might be the reason here 😰
I am unsure - once it's configured one time, it should work hopefully going forward! Maybe you have autoconfigure disabled in the User Settings?
@alexnajm Just checked auto configure is enabled.. but still the tool keep deleting the sheet name from the configure file section.
I am unsure of your issue then - I tried it on my end and had no issue with connecting to a sheet and the configuration staying there. The only thing I can think of is make sure you have the file selected.