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Google Drive Output - how to limit the number of records and create separate csv files?

11 - Bolide

My company's accounting system outputs reports as .csv. When the csv is greater than Excel's row limit, I have a Workflow (WF) that will input the csv and output separate csvs with max records per file = 1M (I know Excel's limit is slightly more than 1M). The purpose of this is so people at my company can then open the data in Excel and complete their analyses. (I'm sure some of you are shaking your heads - but trust me that this is the best solution that we have available right now).


It's a very simple input/output WF as you can see below. 




I want to move this WF onto Alteryx Server so that way a person can just put the csv into the specified GDrive location and then they run the WF themselves, without a Designer license, and they get their files without needing me to do anything. From discussions with Alteryx, we need to move to using the Google Drive Tools instead of the regular Input/Output. I'm on GDrive Tools 1.1.1. 


Question: Is there a way in the GDrive Output to set the max records to 1M? I'm not seeing anything obvious. 




I also tried a rather silly workaround where I added a Record ID Tool and then a formula to say "if the Record ID is 1-1M, add an '_1' to the file name; if the Record ID is 1M-2M, add an '_2'" etc. That way when I use the GDrive Output, if there isn't a way to specify max records, I'll still get the same results. It works fine with the regular Input/Output Tools but when I add in the GDrive Input/Output, Designer freezes and crashes. 




I'm stumped - am I missing something on the GDrive Output? Or does anyone have any ideas for how I can get this to work? Thanks!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Carolyn - I don't know the GoogleDrive output all that well - but given that your users are Excel users, there may be another option.

Excel allows you to specify data connections within a sheet - and when you open the sheet it then queries the data connection.   This would allow you to output all of your data to a SQL server or similar and then allow your excel users to query directly through excel.


This may not be a simple solution - but it has the benefit of keeping your data in a well managed spot - and if you play around with this you can also use Excel to filter the data (giving your users even more functionality)

