Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Getting The Address or the Area Name from Lat and lon

Dear Experts,


I have a table with Lat & Lons as numbers I need to get the mark name e.g.(Zip or Quarter name) of this point and store it in a new column inside the table, Please Help.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi @MAAbdullahAlMubarah you need to look at the spatial tool category. You also need a spatial dataset which contains the spatial detail for either Zip or Quarter name).


This one provides ZIP detail.


You would then need to input the file as a .shp file into Alteryx, and perform a spatial match against your lat/long dataset.



Thank you @BenMoss Kindly can you share with me a workflow using the files in the link?

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus
No sorry; the community only works if you are willing to make an attempt to build part of the solution yourself otherwise you won't improve your knowledge of the tool if you just take our solutions for different parts and stitch them together!

Please make some attempt at researching and building what I have described.


Sure I'll do thanks for your feed-back. 
