Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Fuzzy matching within Crew list runner

6 - Meteoroid

Dear community,


I have made a workflow that uses the fuzzy matching tool within a crew list runner. The workflow runs, but gives no output for the fuzzy matching tool when using the list runner. I have put message tools around the fuzzy matching tool and I can clearly see from the log files that the first message tool gets processed, but the second (directly after the fuzzy matching tool) does not. Therefore, I am pretty confident that within the crew list runner the fuzzy matching tool does not run. No errors or warnings are given, it just seems to stop as soon as the fuzzy matching tool is in the workflow. Running the workflow outside of the crew list runner gives no problems. 


In the future I would like to schedule the workflow. So I am wondering whether this is a known flaw? Could there be something in my settings of the fuzzy matching tool that could trigger this? What might be an appropriate work around? 
