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Filter by future days

5 - Atom

Hi guys,


I'm needing to create a workflow, and a part of it needs to filter a dates column, the results I need are from tomorrow (t+1), so I'm trying to use DateTimeToday until the following next 10 (t+10) working days, avoiding weekends, for sure. Just tried with several flows but couldn't make it.


If anyone gets it, will be appreciated.


Tks in advance!

17 - Castor

Assuming your date fields are set as date data types, you could try to filter for tomorrow's date with something like [date field] = datetimeadd(datetimetoday(),1,"days"). I'm not sure I follow the +10 piece of this though, if you have any sample data that might help.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Generate Rows should work.


5 - Atom

Thanks for you reply! Sure, I might be more specific with a sample, pretending we have column A, I would need as an output of the filter the column B, it would be the following 10 days, always starting from tomorrow date, in this case March 17th, avoiding weekends.



5 - Atom

Thanks @Qiu! It's almost what I need, but I need the filter to bring 29 and 30 as well, cause last working day counting 10 from tomorrow 17th, is March 30th. I would need to have them included as well. Any idea of what might be failing? Or maybe on my end?


Thank you again!

17 - Castor



It's because the formula adds 10 days, then filters out the weekends so you will end up with less. If you update @Qiu 's formula to add 15 days (should be enough to cover all scenarios), then add a sample tool after the filter to select the first 10 records, you should get what you need!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Modified a bit

