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Filter Expression

8 - Asteroid

I have the following data in the output anchor of the table tool


Type Quar.  Year                            Table

A      3         2023          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B      3         2023          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      4         2023          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B      4         2023          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      1          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      2          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      3          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B     4          2024          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A     1          2025          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B     1          2025          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A     2          2025          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B    2           2025          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B    3           2025          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B    4           2025          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab


Quar. is Quarter of year.


I need to filter this before output so that whenever the report is being run, the current quarter and the next 3 are only output in the report.

So, if I am running it today, it's Q4 of 2023, the output of filter should contain:

A      4         2023          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B      4         2023          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      1          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      2          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      3          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab


If running in Jan-March 2024, it's Q1, thus Q1-Q4 of 2024 must be displayed:

A      1          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      2          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
A      3          2024         Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab
B     4          2024          Table - View Browse Tool Report Tab

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Please provide relevant data to this use case, and kindly provide your criteria in as much detail as possible. If you have a workflow built halfway, kindly export that over as well


To export a workflow go to: Options > Export Workflow. Kindly do NOT send a "Save As" copy.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
17 - Castor

Hey @ShantanuDagar, here's how you could go about this. We just check whether or not the year is the same as the year of today. If so, we just need the current quarter and any that are larger. If the current quarter is above 1 then we obviously spill into the next year and in those cases we just check whether the quarter there is smaller than the current quarter of this year. Hope this helps!



8 - Asteroid

Thanks, works good.
