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File is not getting updated in the gallery

8 - Asteroid



I've created a simple workflow where the data is getting moved from SharePoint list to excel file.


and the output file is getting updated every time  when I run this workflow in the shared drive location.


Now I need to move this workflow to the alteryx gallery and schedule it so it can updated monthly/weekly.


But somehow when I'm running the workflow in the gallery, it's asking the user to download it instead of updating it in the shared drive.


Could you please advise on how to change it so that it just updates the file while running in a server.


Screenshot attached.


13 - Pulsar

Hi @swapsingh2712 


when you're uploading the workflow to the gallery, what settings have you ticked/unticked in 'Manage Workflow Assets'



Your (Output) parts will need to be unticked, and also the filepath needs to be in UNC format, and not a local reference
