Hi there,
I have Input A which has an ID number, also I have a different file with exclusions for those IDs.
Now my question is,
How can I see if those ID are in the exclusion file? so later I can filter them.
thank you
Hi @Lean_Sawko,
Have you tried joining them? That will identify the exclusions and filter them out, all in a single tool. The join anchor will contain the exclusions and the left/right unjoin will contain the good ids, if I understand your description correctly. Hope this helps!
Thank you for your help,
Yes I tried but the problem is both files don't match in same rows so creates a conflict.
Are you able to post sample data or screenshots? The community will more effectively be able to help if we have a better understanding of your situation 🙂
You should be able to use a join. Anything in the exceptions list would come out of the J output, and everything else out of the L output.
Another option if you want to keep all records, and just flag those in the exceptions list, you can use the find and replace to append an extra field. This will be filled in if the value is in the exception list, and anything else would be null.