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Executing workflow from Server

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,


I have a alteryx workflow with a macro in it and would publish in the server.

When i execute it initially from the server , i get the desired results.


When the same is executed from the Server next day, i get the below error

  • Record #1: Tool #157: The external program "***.exe" returned an error code: -1073741502 (Tool Id: 313)
    • No valid fields were selected. (Tool Id: 269)


    The macro as well as the .exe files are in the same directory and the same is added in the workflow dependencies section too.


    Could you please let me know how to resolve this issue.




8 - Asteroid

To get feedback you'll have to provide some more details on how your workflow works. Such as

  • what tools you are using
  • if say the "run command" tool is being used are there external scripts? How are they referenced?
  • Are all dependencies packaged during saving to the server? Or are you referencing them off a location the server has access to?

That said based on the "Record #1" it looks like you have a batch macro. I'd assume Tool ID 157 is a "Run Command" tool. To troubleshoot I would see what data is in record 1 going into your macro. Then I would try to manually call your command in the "Run Command" or what ever that macro is trying todo. This should be able to tell you more detail about what is going wrong.

As for why it worked the first time and not the second time. Based on the errors I assume its a data related issue. So your first run was your common case, it processed what ever it needs too. Then for the second run it picked up new data that probably has an edge case that wasn't accounted for. The steps above should help you figure out what that edge case is.


