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Excel Import with multiple datatypes

5 - Atom

I need to import multiple excel files with same sheet name. So I use the import tool with a * as a wildcard.
Some of the files are not getting imported and get the following error message:
...has a different schema than the 1st file in the set and will be skipped

I have checked and if I import the data seperately and then use Union tool I am able to put the files together.

The difference I have discovered is caused by one of the columns as it has a different automatic data type then the others.

Is it possible to preset the datatypes? How is it possible to solve this issue with the easiest solution (preferrably without using macros)

Thank you.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @GaborZsolnai ,


You are absolutely correct. When you have a excel file with no values in a specific column, as I remember, it reads as string even when configuring the column correctly in excel.


Here is a workaround for that.



Fernando Vizcaino

5 - Atom

Hi @fmvizcaino 

This is great, it works fine. Thank you so much for the solution.


