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Excel Batch Processing - Removing Rows

5 - Atom

Hi everyone,


I'm working for some days in Alteryx and I faced the first issue I'm not able to solve by reading previous post. Therefore, I'm contacting you directly.


My problem is quite simple I think. I've quite a lot of excels (around 250) all having the same structure. In the end, I'll need to be able to build a data set containing all these excels.

From each of them, I need to retrieve information from one specifc tab. Let's call it "Calendar".

The issue is that the relevant information of Calendar tabs are always as of the row 14.


Therefore, my idea was to quickly re-create 250 cleaned files (with only 1 tab and the first 13 rows deleted) before aggregate them all.

I'm able to handle this quite simply for one file as shown bellow (2 working options):

ex 1.png


The issue I've is that I'm not able to build a Batch Macro to do that. I already tried by following some tutorials and other discussions but without success.


Maybe someone can help me out with this?


Thanks a lot!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Let's keep this simple for you.  When inputing the wildcard read of the Excel files, there is an option to OUTPUT FILENAME ONLY as a field of data.  You can use a Multi-Row formula and if the current row filename is equal to the prior row filename, then the row ID (your new variable) is incremented by 1, otherwise (new file is detected) the row ID is 1.


Now you can filter Row ID is greater than 13 and you'll only have the desired data.




You can drop the row ID when you next use a SELECT.




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5 - Atom

Hi Mark,


I guess I was looking to something much more (and maybe too) complicated.


Thanks for your solution!
