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Error while uploading workflow to UAT server

8 - Asteroid



I have a workflow that has python tool which is used to open a password protected file. This is working on my system but when I try to upload it to uat, it's giving a know uat issue 'jinja2' 



So it is giving error while running on just uat. How can I resolve this issue?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

hi @saachitalwar 

I'm not sure about context of your question, but one of the possibility of your issue is like this.

If your WF utilizes Python libraries that was installed additionally to your environment, those libraries shall be installed on Alteryx Server as well. This process may involve IT team who is able to access and log-in to console of Alteryx Server.

For example, some libraries are already installed along with Alteryx Designer(Server as well) as default like pandas, os, math, etc.. But if you installed other libraries by 'pip install...' separately, those libraries does not exist on Alteryx Server as default, that requires 'pip install...' on Alteryx Server as well to enable those libraries on Alteryx Server.

