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Error opening "Select * From "Table Name": No Columns Returned

5 - Atom

Hi everyone,


I've inputted my data from my ODBC connection to Database 1. I'm trying to write that table into Database 2 using an output tool. After running the workflow, the table is created in Database 2 but only with the columns. The error in the subject line is returned. I've troubleshooted a few different ways but can't seem to find a fix.

19 - Altair

So there's like a 100 reason this could happen. What DB are you using? Can you share your ODBC config? Is this Redshift?

16 - Nebula

please share more details 
will be in better position to help.

5 - Atom

Hey all,


Appreciate your interest in helping! Please bear with me as I'm learning and if I don't send enough info that you may need 🙏


To my knowledge, this is not redshift.


Both Databases are SQL Server.


For my Output ODBC config, previously I had the box checked to "Connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings for the additional configuration options." I've tried unchecking this box with the following settings selected:


- Use ANSI quoted identifiers

- Use ANSI nulls, paddings and warnings.


I received the same error.


In the previous process that somebody was using before me, to upload to this database, they needed to manually download and upload a CSV to the database using the SQL Server import wizard.


As for the options selected in the left pane:


File Format = ODBC Database

Output Options = Create New Table

Append Field Map = By Field Name (this is the only option)

Table/FieldName SQL Style = Quoted

Transaction Size = 1000


To create this new table, I am moving ~49,517 records


19 - Altair

are you doing this in-db? are the two tables on the same database? you cannot connect cross database connection. It would need to go in memory - and then you'd use datastream in. with 49K records that should be fine.
