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Error-DataWrapOCI: Unable to Prepare the Query

7 - Meteor

I'm having an issue streaming data out with in-DB tool.  I'm getting the error "DataWrapOCI: Unable to prepare the query: "With Tool1_Oaaf" AS query...."




Can anyone tell me what this error actually means?  The query works if I run it in TOAD or SQL developer.  

7 - Meteor

It worked fine.

It's awful when works in SQL Developer and it doesn't work in other places.

8 - Asteroid

@CraigAustin wrote:

I had this error when I was trying to connect to the wrong DB.


Check that too.

Right... if it works in a sql console but not in Alteryx, it is probably because the sql concole is connected to a specific schema or DB, but Alteryx is not.  In Alteryx, you will need to use the fully qualified name.  I got stuck on this b/c I had a large query, all was fully qualified except for one table.  It worked in my sql console, but not in Alteryx.  Took a few minutes to figure out!

8 - Asteroid

I'll echo to anyone stuck here, check your database for accuracy.  I had this error only to find out after an hour of trouble shooting, I was trying to connect to the wrong DB. 

6 - Meteoroid

I had this error when I didn't reference a field from the middle table I needed to get the information on the outside tables.  I just added a field from that table and it solved the issue.  Then I just used a select to get rid of it.

7 - Meteor

Removed the " ; " at the end of the sql code - and it solved the issue!

6 - Meteoroid

I had a similar error.  The query runs fine when running it in the Designer but failed if run as a scheduled job.  I did notice that there were line breaks in the query but the spaces were missing between the query words themselves.  I added them back in and that fixed it.

