Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Dynamic tool help

7 - Meteor

I am importing a file which has months as the columns' headers. Every month I receive the file and it contains all the previous months' data, but I only need the current month's data. How can I use a dynamic tool to get Alteryx to use the current month's data. I'm currently using the select tool to deselect the previous month and select the current one.


Thanks in advance.



7 - Meteor

This actually works, so thank you so much.

7 - Meteor

This works as well. Thank you all so much. 

7 - Meteor

I have another question for you if you don't mind. I'm using vlookup formulas to bring into a different tab my Alteryx output. The output looks normal and has no #NAs. But when I bring the output data into the tab, I get #NAs whenever the ID number in the output consists only of numbers. When the ID number is a combination of numbers and letters, the output is fine. To get rid of the #NAs and get the real values in the new tab I have to use the "text to columns" excel feature. Is there an Alteryx tool I can use so that the values don't turn into #NAs once they're are brought into the new tab?

12 - Quasar

Are you copying and pasting into Excel? If so, Excel converts them into numbers. Export the data (or use output data tool) to keep the numbers as strings.

7 - Meteor

I'm using formulas to transfer the data from the output tab to a new tab and the data is being exported as string already.

12 - Quasar

These really are Excel questions.


The data must have gotten to Excel somehow. Your issue overall is that Excel is converting the information to a number somewhere. I'd suggest doing the "vlookup" in Alteryx anyway as it is much more accurate than Excel vlookup and lets you see any fallout.
