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Download xlsx file from Azure blob URL

7 - Meteor



I am trying to download an xlsx file from Blob URL (Azure) but am receiving the following error in the download tool output (DownloadHeaders column):


HTTP/1.1 403 Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.


I have disabled my VPN so not sure why it is throwing this error out.


Any help on where the issue is? I am guessing it may be out of Alteryx but not sure as I can access the Blob URL link when I search in my browser and download the file.


Many thanks

13 - Pulsar

Hi @sislam11 


Troubleshooting these kind of responses can be a pain, a quick search resulted in suggestions ranging from VPN (as you've already switched off), to Firewall issues, and key issues. Were you aware that Alteryx has an ADLS Connector which might work better for you than trying to use the Download Tool? You have to download it as it doesn't come as standard but it can be obtained here ->


More info on it is here ->
