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Display UK Financial Year & Quarters

7 - Meteor



I hope I can get some solution as to how to display UK Financial Year and Quarters.


For my UK Financial Years starts from 1st Apr and ends 31st Mar.


I need to be able to display a new column indicating which UK FY a specific date falls into.


Eg, please see image of how I would like to be able to identify a specific date from a lengthy spreadsheet to indicate my UK FY and Quarters to display it as FY 2022-23 and FY 2022-23 Q1 etc..



Huge thanks in advance. 

17 - Castor

Hi @PamG 


This can be achieved with the help of lookup table.




Many thanks

Shanker V

7 - Meteor

Hiya @ShankerV


Thanks for speedy response, really appreciate it.


This is brilliant and what exactly I need, however, I omitted to mentioned that in my image above where its states "FY written as" this is missing field is in my dataset.


Everything else you've outlined would work except for that bit, its like we'd need to take a step back and put in some formula to change/ input into Column B the appropriate FY 2022-23  or FY 2023-24 etc. based on whatever the date is written in Column A.




For my finalised data output I need to have both Columns B and C available to perform analysis. 


Is that possible?


Your help would be appreciated if something like that can happened without it being cumbersome.



17 - Castor

Hi @PamG 


Please find the expected output.



Many thanks

Shanker V

7 - Meteor

Dear @ShankerV

A gigantic thank you for helping us out with this - it works amazingly perfect for my needs at present. Was hunting high/low for such info on here but most of the result was based on US FY. Thanks again and have a great day. Regards,

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