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Disable container based on row count from macro input

8 - Asteroid

I have a macro with an optional input, and I want to disable a container in my workflow if it has not been connected. My initial thought was to simply add a count records tool to the macro input, and if the result is 0 I want it to disable the container. I have however not found any way of doing it. The only way I've found so far is using an interface tool like a checkbox to disable the container, but I want to avoid this if possible.


Is there some way to connect a count records tool to an action tool and then update the container value through a formula, or is there some other easier way to do it?



19 - Altair

so two ideas - one you can use a filter tool and have the container after the true anchor.


two - you can place the container in it's own macro and access it depending upon count. You could also have specific containers in a batch macro for entries with and without the optional input.


Without knowing more details of your workflow and whats in your container it's a bit hard to advise.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



I would turn the macro into a Batch macro. Then you can feed the record count to the Control Parameter and use that Control Parameter to enable/disable the container in the macro. Leave the group by settings on the macro empty as you don't need to group the records. 


8 - Asteroid

Yeah, I ended up using an append tool + filter to filter the data based on row count, which works fine.


It sure would be nice to be able to set conditions based on the data, however.


Thanks for the advice!
