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Delete Spaces of

Inactive User
Not applicable

Hello guys, 
I have this problem, that I have a bad formatting headers with spaces and paragraphs. How can I delete this and connect it with "_" an underscore? I tried with REGEX_Replace([Value],' ', '_') but it does not work.... Can you help me? 



16 - Nebula

Hi @Inactive User 


Could you share a print of how you are applying the formula? I tryed here and it seems to be doing what you want to do (replacing spaces by _, right?). You can use just replace([Value],' ', '_') instead btw.





Inactive User
Not applicable

Hi @Felipe_Ribeir0 

Hereis what it looks like ...



16 - Nebula

Hi @Inactive User 


try this one. I think that what you have is not just spaces, but tabulations (\t):

Regex_Replace([Value], '\t', '_')




By default 1 tab is equal to 8 spaces, so if you want to keep the same number of spaces you could do:

Regex_Replace([Value], '\t', '________')

Inactive User
Not applicable

That does not work :( 
I think the problem is that I have line break... but I don't know


16 - Nebula

@Inactive User 


can you share a sample of your input file? Just with the first 10 rows or something like that.

Inactive User
Not applicable

I can not share any data. I created an example with my problem. 
The header is in the middle of the table and have the format like in the xlsx-data

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@Inactive User I think Regex_Replace([Value],'\s','_') is what you're after. It will replace any whitespace with an underscore


Hope that helps,


