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6 - Meteoroid



I’m trying to create exception reporting where if a file was released on 1/2/2022 from Event tracking Report and it’s not reflected on Disposition Report on the day it was released or after 3 days it was released, then it will be an exception.


I just need assistance what formula or expression should I use in order for me to get that.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



ISO date format is YYYY-MM-DD


You need to convert "1/2/2022" to 2022-01-02 with:


DateTimeParse([Release Date],"%m/%d/%Y")

if the date is February 1st then:

DateTimeParse([Release Date],"%d/%m/%Y")


Then you can add 3 days with:


DateTimeAdd(DateTimeParse([Release Date],"%m/%d/%Y"),3,"days")





Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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6 - Meteoroid

Hi Sir,

  Thank you for your response below. I just wanna follow up another question coz what I am trying to Say is that to build a expression or formula to get the files where the release date from Event Report should show up to Disposition Report on the day it was released or after 3 days it was released. I think a condition if else will be needed to build the formula. Thank you

17 - Castor

Hi @Alwin21 


Do you have some sample data? If you're using a directory tool, you could place a filter after and use a condition like the below to get all files from the last 3 days. I'd urge you to check out this page on datetime functions and give it a go yourself. If you can share sample data/what you've tried in alteryx we can help you further.


