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Creating daily excel files

7 - Meteor

Is there a way to output a new excel file daily to a folder or is the only option to add a new tab to an existing excel file?


I have a simple workflow, I have a formula that creates a new title which would be "project name" + DateTimeToday() , however all of the output tools or variations are requiring an excel file path. However, I don't have one nor do I want to create an excel file every day manually for it to upload to. End result, when the dataset schedule runs each day, it will output a new excel file with the current days data to a specific folder location, to a using the formula above as the file title.


Thank you!

7 - Meteor

It needs to create a new file every day, not a new sheet. Each day when the workflow runs in the morning, it needs to run and create a whole new excel file and have the today date in the name. 


11 - Bolide

Then this answer will generate a new file each day it is run with the current date as part of the file name.  If you also want the sheet name to be the current date, then update the formula as:   '\\bhsfs\Shares\Projects\BI\DOH\BMH Juvare Bulk Upload_' ++ ToString(DateTimeToday()) ++ '.xlsx|||' + ToString(DateTimeToday())


Otherwise change the SheetNameHere to Sheet1.





7 - Meteor

That was it! I see the new file, that makes perfect sense. Thank you again.
