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Copy few columns from one excel and paste it in another excel

5 - Atom

Hello Friends,

I want copy few columns from one excel and paste it in aother excel file,
can you please help.
Excel 1 data - Please refer attachment

Excel 2 has 3 sheets - Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3.
Sheet 1 columns headers are as follows - Please refer attchetment

I want to copy column (test 1, test3, test5) from Excel 1
and paste it to (header1, header 2 and Header 3) in Excel 2 respectively.

Condition: If sheet name = Sheet 1
then only  
I want to copy column (test 1, test3, test5) from Excel 1
and paste it to (header1, header 2 and Header 3) in Excel 2 respectively.

please suggest a solution for same.

Thanks in advance!

5 - Atom

I got the solution. :)
