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Constraints in Optimization tool

6 - Meteoroid

Hello community!



I have a question regarding the type of constraints you can set up in the Optimization tool.



You  can see in the picture a matrix 6x6 on the right side and on the left side a matrix with a representation of the output from the optimization tool:






On the following pictures you can see how I write the LHS and the RHS of the constraints, for making sure there is only one element per row/column:


fcobosmolina_1-1613046391927.png             fcobosmolina_2-1613046518854.png


This constraint is measuring that the sum of all the elements is lower or equal to 1 in each column and row. 


My questions is: can we put somehow a constraint that instead of a sum is considering the multiplication of the values in each row/column?



Thanks for your help!










Hi @fcobosmolina


Constraints can be an equality or inequality formula rather than a set value. Upper and lower bounds limits can also be entered as a formula. There is a recorded training session that may be helpful: Prescriptive Optimization. Constraints and bounds are added starting in about minute 33 of the video, and the example is attached to the article.

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks a lot for the answer, I will take a look into the training session. 
