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Conditionally Match Fields

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone I need some help!


I have an excel file with 80K plus fields I am working with. This is what I am attempting to accomplish:


I have certain "master part numbers" ex. 1234 that master part number has a code associated with it ex. 3562

Then I have "sub part numbers" ex. 1234DRAW with a code associated with it as well but it is different ex. 7512


I want to be able to associate all sub part numbers (ex.1234DRAW) with the master part numbers (ex. 1234)


Here's my problem: It has to be dynamic -- not all master part numbers have the same format and not all the sub part numbers have the same format either.

I want to be able to look for any combination of digits from the master part number and see if it exists in the sub part number and if it does to then change that sub part numbers associated code to match that of the master part number (i.e. change from 7512 to 3562)


I've exhausted myself trying to figure it out myself, is this something Alteryx can help me achieve? I've attached a dummy example.

14 - Magnetar

@laurennewton how can we distinguish the master part from the sub part? I'm pretty sure I can help 

14 - Magnetar

Potentially sounds like the Fuzzy Match tool! @laurennewton 

14 - Magnetar

Perhaps this is working as intended?






8 - Asteroid

For some reason when i run the workflow you attached this is my end result; it is the same as it was originally. 

20 - Arcturus

@laurennewton Based on your input file what are the expected output records? Also, can you explain how what is the Master part number of the material 1245-GLPADAT, the associate code, the subpart number, and the associated code?

14 - Magnetar

Is this what you're after?

