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Complex formula

8 - Asteroid

Hi how can I do this formula:




Hello, without seeing your data and understanding the goal, it will be really difficult for anyone to replicate a formula for you based on the screenshot you have here.


Taking a look at some of the functions you have, I would recommend:

  1. using a JOIN tool for what your INDEX/MATCH part of the formula is doing.
  2. Then after you join your tables together to get all the data, use an Alteryx formula tool "IF" statement to create a conditional column.


Hopefully this helps!

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @Sa743liz-,


as @christina-billman said, you can use a join to add new data to a first data set.


From what I can understand of your formula, you have a first table or line and then do some lookup to make a substraction and finally if your data ends up on error, you just set the value to 0 instead.


So in alteryx, you can first plugin to your file, and then use a select records to keep have your different datasets, then you should be able to do a join and finally your calculation.


The few things to know here would be to be able to see your dataset and then join the whole dataset based on the value from your first table/row.


If you want to get the maximum from the community, I would advise you to share a sample of your data so that other users can provide you workflows examples. 

8 - Asteroid

Thank you for trying to help, this is the output that I'm trying to reach. 



11 - Bolide

This seems to be related to your other post:  IFERROR and Index Match - Alteryx Community


Did that answer help you get what you needed?
