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Compare a field from a list

8 - Asteroid



I am looking to match tax fields and application fields in the attached list, the actual file contains 30 columns each in tax and application.


Can anyone help to build the below logic-


If Tax_Country_Citizenship country is present in the country list sheet then 3A should have numeric value


If Tax_Country_Citizenship country is not present in the country list sheet then 3B should be SELECTED. 

17 - Castor

Hi @Saravanan13 


Here's something that should hopefully get you started:


  1. Find and replace tool set to append fields. This will look for the citizenship country in your list (note case sensitivity - hence the uppercase function). If the country is present it will append a field with the country name. If it isn't present, the appended field will be null
  2. Then you can look at if that new field is null or not to determine the logic you have above. 




8 - Asteroid

Thanks Luke for the reply. There are few more things in this logic. can you assist on this please


3A - will be filled with either a TIN number or it will blank

3B - will be filled with SELECTED or NOT SELECTED


if the country matches with the list then there should be a TIN number filled in 3A then Form is "Approved"

if the country matches with the list and TIN number is blank in 3A then Form is "Rejected"

if the country not match with the list then  3B should be filled  as "SELECTED" then Form is "Approved"

if the country not match with the list then  3B should be filled as "NOT SELECTED"  then Form is "Rejected"


17 - Castor

Hi @Saravanan13 


I think you should be able to accomplish most of that based on the example I provided. For example, you should be able to pretty easily tweak the 3B logic based on the sample I gave you by changing the 'then' clause to 'NOT SELECTED' instead of null. Give that a go and share any errors you come across if it's not working. 
