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Can you pass a "Table" snippet object to a Macro via the Macro Input?

6 - Meteoroid

I want to create custom reports for multiple users, where each user only sees their data.  I'm thinking I need a batch macro to accomplish this. I've created multiple "Table" snippet objects per user, unioned them together, and now want to use a batch macro to implement the logic "for each user, format a report using these tables, and distribute". However, when I look at a "Macro Input" tool, I only see text input and file input as the template options.


Is there a way to pass in an Alteryx object ("Table" in this case) to macros? Or do I need to pass the data into the macro and create the tables within the macro?


data with "Table" object:

John SmithTable - View Browse Tool Report Tabdetails
Alice MatthewsTable - View Browse Tool Report Tabdetails
John SmithTable - View Browse Tool Report Taboverview
Alice MatthewsTable - View Browse Tool Report Taboverview



Screenshot 2023-08-30 181538.png

19 - Altair

Yes. You can. I'd recommend taking a .yxdb of the table snippets in your main workflow and using that as your template input for your macro input. Sometimes report snippets are viewed as plain text internally - and this might circumvent that issue.  That issue is during build only - and should not affect the report snippet when running the workflow.
